About TLA Cold Mix
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- Written by TLA
- Hits: 3873
TLA Cold Mix Patch is a high performance asphaltic cold mix patch using the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) which bonds to any firm asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete surface.
TLA Cold Mix Patch
Product Descriptions:
TLA Cold Mix Patch is a high performance asphaltic cold mix patch using the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) which bonds to any firm asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete surface.
TLA Cold Mix Patch
Product Descriptions: TLA Cold Mix Patch is a high performance asphaltic cold mix patch using the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) which bonds to any firm asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete surface
Basic Uses: TLA Cold Mix Patch is easy to use, for permanent repairs to streets, driveways, parking lots airport runways and floors.
Super Pave Limited
TLA Cold Mix Patch
Product Descriptions: TLA Cold Mix Patch is a high performance asphaltic cold mix patch using the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) which bonds to any firm asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete surface
Packaging: Packaged in one (1) tonne bags and (10) lbs buckets.
Basic Uses: TLA Cold Mix Patch is easy to use, for permanent repairs to streets,driveways,parking lots airport runways and floors.
Personal Protection:
Eyes and face: Wear safety glasses or face shield.
Hands:The use of rubber gloves is recommended.
Respiratory: No breathing apparatus is required if the area is sufficiently ventilated.
Physical & Chemical Properties:
Physical State: Solid
Appearance: Black, gravel and sand
Color: Black
Vapor Pressure: None
Odor: Bitumen
Key Benefits:
Industrial Grade: Formulated for quick basic repairs.
Pre Mixed: No heating required.
Quick Access: Open repaired areas to traffic immediately
Surfaces: Wet or dry surfaces
Measures in case of fire :
Procedure: Use Carbon Dioxide, water, dry chemical or foam when attempting to extinguish fires.
Flashpoint: 450 °F in liquid state
Potential Hazards:
There are no medical conditions that are known to be aggravated by exposure to TLA cold mix patch
Inhalation: No harmful effects, however over- exposure may result in a nauseous feeling
Ingestion: Vomiting may occur.
Eyes: Slight irritation if contact is made with the product.
Skin: Prolong exposure to unprotected skin, may result in a slight skin irritation.
Stability & Reactivity:
Stable: yes
Avoid mixing the product with any Petrochemical and fuel such as diesel or kerosene as this may cause the product to remain in a softened state.
Do not expose to temperatures over 400 degrees ° F
Properly dispose of containers after contents are used.
Do not reuse container.
Do not cut, heat, pressurize or burn the container and its contents, this may result in injury.
Product overview :
TLA cold mix patch is a ready to use cold mix asphalt made from selected blue limestone aggregates and the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA). These aggregates are carefully graded an washed before being used.
General information :
This type of product has been used for over (30) years in the Caribbean. It has been used in roadways, highways, car parks, tennis courts & airports. If there is need to pave over this product it can be done very efficiently. This has been successfully used in the US Virgin Islands in larger quantities and has performed well and to the satisfaction of our clients.
Pre-Blended :
TLA Cold Mix Patch is pre-blended at our plant, so there is no need to add any other agents to make it workable.
Quality & Testing :
TLA Cold Mix Patch is produced under strict quality adherence to the ISO 9001/2000 standards. Our testing is done by two of the Caribbean's foremost testing agencies.
Limitations & Cautions :
TLA Cold Mix Patch may become stiff after lengthy storage, this is normal and will not adversely affect the mix. Whenever this happens an ordinary masonry trowel is used take the material out from the bucket it is then separated using the trowel. This will loosen the material to a workable consistency. Caution must be taken when using TLA Cold Mix Patch. It is recommended that gloves, goggles and where appropriate dust masks are used