Frequently Asked Questions
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- Published on 27 June 2012
- Written by TLA
- Hits: 3591
What is the difference between Hot Asphalt Mix and Cold Asphalt Mix?
The main difference is that Cold Asphalt Mix has a greater workable shelf life. Whilst, with Hot Asphalt Mix it has to be used within a few hours of being produced to be useful. Cold Asphalt Mix can be used many days after being produced.
Are there any similarity between Hot Asphalt Mix and Cold Asphalt Mix?
Both can be used for almost the same purpose.
Are there any disadvantages of using Cold Asphalt Mix?
It could be said, that because of the slightly longer time required for Cold Asphalt Mix to achieve the desired hardness factor, that may be perceived as a disadvantage. But, this slightly longer time, could also be an advantage, because of the Cold Asphalt Mix having a longer workable shelf life, it reduces the possibility of cracking. However, if cracking does occur, the kneading effect of traffic will quickly heal those small cracks.
Why Should I use TLA Cold Mix Patch?
TLA Patch is the first and only Cold Mix Patch to be produced using the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (T.L.A) Cold Mix Patch is produced by tested and proven formulations.
TLA Cold Mix Patch, can be produced to be used at specific times, (i.e shelf life) e.g. 3 days, 7 days, 1 month, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months or any required time period that the user requires.
TLA Cold Mix Patch is produced by a system designed by Super Paves’ engineers, where the asphalt cement (bitumen) is cut back directly on our Asphalt Plant, while the Cold Mix is being produced, therefore giving us greater quality control.
TLA Cold Mix Patch can be produced in whatever formulation required. It can be produced using the same formulation as those for Hot Asphalt Mixes.
TLA Cold Mix Patch is the only Cold Asphalt Mix that uses the world famous Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) as its cut back asphalt cement, therefore offering all the advantages that are derived from the use of TLA.